About DocTools, Word Add-Ins and the person behind

Lene Fredborg

My name is Lene Fredborg. I established DocTools in 2006. DocTools provides professional templates and efficient tools in the form of add-ins and macros for Microsoft Word. In addition, DocTools provides consultancy within all areas related to Microsoft Word.

I have been working professionally with Word and have been programming add-ins and macros in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for more than 25 years.

Since I started DocTools, I have developed customer-specific solutions in the form of Word templates, add-ins and VBA macros for private companies as well as the public sector in Denmark and foreign countries, primarily the USA. You can see examples of customers on the References page of my main website.

The main website of DocTools is thedoctools.com. From the main website, you also have access to free Word macros and free Word tips. I also provide Word tips in Danish via my blog, Lene Fredborg's Word Blog.

As part of my work with programming of Word add-ins and macros in VBA for many organizations, I have developed several add-ins that can function as stand-alone products. In addition, I have developed a lot of add-ins for my personal use. I use many of those add-ins every day and they help me work far more efficiently and be a lot more productive than I could be without those add-ins.

Via this site, DocTools Word Add-Ins, I want to make add-ins available to Word users in general. The add-ins provide supplemental tools for Word that can help you improve productivity and work more efficiently in Word.

Microsoft MVP Award (M365 – Word) each year since 2008

MVP - Most Valueable Professional - link to Microsoft's MVP site

I have had the honor to receive the prestigious Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award from Microsoft 17 times, latest the 2024 Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award.

The award categories have changed over the years. In 2024, the category name is short: M365. As all the previous years, my technical area is Word.

From Microsoft's description of the MVP Award:

"For more than three decades, the Microsoft MVP Award has been our way of saying Thanks! to outstanding community leaders. The contributions MVPs make to the community, ranging from speaking engagements, to social media posts, to writing books, and to helping others in online communities, have incredible impact."

Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals - the MVP badge 2024

The MVP badge 2024.

View Lene Fredborg's profile on LinkedIn

Most screenshots and videos on this website have been created using SnagIt and Camtasia from TechSmith.

Lene FredborgLene Fredborg

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Did you know that...
DocTools Word Add-Ins 
can help you save time and work more efficiently in Word

Generate complete documents in seconds from re-usable text or graphics

Manage comments in Word fast and easy – review comments, extract comments to Word or Excel, etc.

Simplify and speed up the management of cross-references even in your most complex documents

Manage and repeat data in Word fast and easy with custom document properties and DocProperty fields

Extract insertions, deletions and comments from any Word document, incl. context and headings

Apply any highlight color or remove highlight in Word with a single click – customizable shortcuts

Browse pages, sections, headings, tables, graphics, etc. and find text in Word with a single click

Check safety-critical procedure documents for human factor issues in minutes – improve quality and help prevent errors

Create screen tips in Word fast and easy – with up to 2040 characters
